- Kauniin metallinhohtoinen hierontasauva
- Hieman liikkuva silikonihierontapää
- Moninopeuksinen voimavärinä (3000-9000 r/min.)
- Moninopeuksiset pulsaatiotilat
- Helppo hallita napin painalluksella
- LED-painikkeet
- Jatkuva teho – verkkovirta
- 3 metriä pitkä johto verkkopistokkeella
- Kärjen voi ruuvata auki puhdistusta varten
DOXYn tyylikkäässä Die Cast -metallihierontalaitteessa on samettisen pehmeä ja liikuteltava silikonihierontapää. Moninopeuksiset tärinät (3000-9000 r/min.) sopivat täydellisesti yksilölliseen nautintoon ja tärinää on myös helppo säätää kahvasta löytyvää (LED)-painiketta painamalla. Myös sykkimistiloja voidaan säätää. Ergonominen muotoilu ja pitkä kahva mahdollistavat sen, että sauva pääsee helposti kaikkiin kehon osiin ja ulkoisiin nautintopisteisiin, jolloin se pääsee stimuloimaan näitä alueita tärinällä ja hieronnalla. Hierontapää voidaan ruuvata irti puhdistusta varten.
Tehokas hierontalaite on jatkuvassa tehossa, koska siinä on verkkopistoke 3 metrin pituisella johdolla.
Koko pituus 37 cm, hierontapää Ø 6 cm. Paino 690 g.
Silikoni, alumiini.
Doxys Flagship Range no bells and whistles, just pure intuitive and engineered superpower.
Doxy Die Cast bodies are cast in their own factories, hand polished, assembled and tested before being despatched around the world.
The Die Cast has the renowned reputation of being the most powerful plug-in wand massager in the universe, delivering the deep rumbling vibrations Doxy are praised for.
The Doxy Die Cast is the largest of the range. The luxurious aluminium/titanium alloy bodies are cast in their own factories, hand polished, assembled and tested before being despatched around the world. Quality is assured as is their long-lasting durability.
For customers who love the Doxy Original experience, and who would like even bigger feelings, the Doxy Die Cast is what you are looking for. Its so special that its delivered in its own luxurious keepsake box.
It has all the qualities you treasure about the Doxy Original but, because it is cast in an aluminium-titanium alloy, its stunningly sleek body has more weight and delivers an even more profound and powerful experience.
Everything and more
All your favourite Doxy features are the same as the Doxy Original. 3 easy controls deliver just as many of those really pleasurable moments (rpms) all the way from 3,000 to 9,000, at the touch of a button, and you can still enjoy the escalating pulse mode by simply pressing and holding the power button. Its the weightier metal body that emphasises the power of the vibrations to make your Doxy massage experience even more intense.
Feel the power
The intensity of the Doxy Die Cast vibrations will penetrate deep into your tissue to set even more of your nerve endings tingling. The 6cm silicone-covered head covers more surface area, ensuring you will feel every sensation to the fullest.
Time to be creative
With an extra 190g of weight, the Doxy Die Cast is a handful of energy for you to position just as you like or heavy enough to rest in place for a liberating hands-free experience.
Your safety is very important to us
The plug-top power supply allows only low voltage, direct current to enter the product, ensuring safe and hassle-free use worldwide. You wont have to worry about your nearest power socket thanks to the generous 3metre (10ft) cable. Never runs out of power and guarantees peak performance every time.
Product dimensions:
- Body Length: 37 cm
- Head Diameter: 6cm
- Body Circumference: 16cm
- Weight: 690g
Power supply: Plug-top power supply delivers low voltage direct current
Cable length: 3 metres (10 feet)
249,00 €